The On Our Own Time Art Exhibit is comprised of art from all ages and levels of ability. Each piece of artwork is judged within its classification, not based on its medium.
Thank you to all of our wonderful judges!
All entries are the exclusive property of the artist. Please respect their ownership and contact them directly regarding potential purchases and/or use. Mature and/or controversial content possibly shown, all opinions are exclusive to the artists only.

Best of Show_ _Not all of us who travel on this ship have the same direction_ by Sergio Castrezana, Entomology (Intermediate Category)

Art Education Award_ _Wearing Wayne Thiebaud_ by Sonali Coan, Immediate Family Member of Andrew Coan, Law (Teem Category)

1st Amateur_ _Christmas in the City_ by Anna Alkozei, Family & Commnity Medicine

1st Intermediate_ _My Sweet Little Donkey, _Mario__ by Sue Chacon, College of Veterinary Medicine

1st Professional_ _Power of Presence_ by Jennie Norris, FM-Sign Shop

1st Teen_ _right-handed_ by Avery Maland, Family of Lia Falco, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies

1st Youth_ _Golden Eggs_ by Sophia Todd, Family of Michaela Todd, Surgery

2nd Amateur_ _The Big One_ by Samanth Wanlass, Family of Pamela Foitik, Athletics

2nd Intermediate_ _Time_ by Dietlinde DuPlessis, School of Mining and Mineral Resources

2nd Professional_ _Adornment_ by Kay Ross, Retired

2nd Teen_ _Kaida's Den_ by Victoria Escamilla, Family of Sonya Lopez-Escamilla, UITS

2nd Youth_ _Mush-room_ by Katherine Wang, Family of Steven Wang, College of Medicine

3rd Amateur_ _Thunder Rolls_ by Dottie Cannons, Family of Pamela Wagner, FCM RISE HWC

3rd Intermediate_ _Drive in.... to the Stars_ by Rhonda Royse, UITS

3rd Professional_ _The Marigold Dance_ by Ruben Moreno, Arizona State Museum

3rd Teen_ _The Stars_ by Anthony Son, Family of Hyewon Shin, Nursing

3rd Youth_ _Still Life_ by Ezra Coan, Family of Andrew Coan, Law

Honorable Mention_ _Aqua Caliente Plein Aire_ by Niko Sanchez, UA Library

Honorable Mention_ _Fire Kitty_ by Jacquelyn Escamilla, Family of Lopez-Escamilla, UITS

Honorable Mention_ _Growth_ by Lori Coan, Family of Andrew Coan, Law

Honorable Mention_ _Heartstopper Diorama_ by Sabina Coan, Family of Andrew Coan, Law

Honorable Mention_ _Japanese Koi Rock Set_ by Sopia Todd, Family of Michaela Todd, Surgery

Honorable Mention_ _Lonesome George_ by Jacqueline Brailey, Retiree

Honorable Mention_ _Lunch_ by Emery Maland, Family of Lia Falco, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies

Honorable Mention_ _Saguaro Ribs and Needles shadow study in B&W_ by Sarah Moore, Tech Launch Arizona

Honorable Mention_ _The Final Pose_ by Winona Esher, Family of Melanie Esher, Arizona Telemedicine Program

Honorable Mention_ _White Lightning_ by Pamela Wagner, FCM RISE HWC