2017 Awards for Excellence
The 2017 Awards for Excellence Ceremony was held to honor employees for their achievements in furthering the missions of the University of Arizona, recipients are nominated by colleagues and peers and selected by a panel of volunteer judges made up of staff and faculty.
This award recognizes a career of service to the University of Arizona and the community by someone who loves the UA and acts in the spirit of Billy Joe Varney.

Maia Ingram, Co-Director of the Arizona Prevention Research Center
Maia is program director of community-based evaluation projects in the Department of Health Promotion Sciences at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and was responsible for overseeing the Arizona Prevention Research Center's renewal application in 2014. Her work at the University serves not only Tucson, but the state of Arizona. Ms. Ingram is influencing generations of leaders to serve others and foster public health.
Individual Awards are presented to approximately 9 members of the Classified and University Staff, regardless of their length of service, classification or pay grade. These awards are designed to recognize outstanding achievements.

David Bradshaw
Senior Program Coordinator
Graduate College
David was nominated for his collaboration and communication efforts in assisting with the professional development needs of almost 9,000 graduate students and more than 500 postdoctoral students at the UA. He coordinates the University Fellows Program and collaborates with the Graduate and Professional Student Council on multiple events. David's leadership in preparing students helps to serve and promote programs, students and interdisciplinary research at the UA.
Angeline Carbajal
Program Coordinator
Disability Resource Center

Angeline was nominated for the lasting and positive impression she leaves on all who visit the Disability Resource Center. Colleagues of Carbajal's say she is a go-to person in the office, always willing to help others. Along with her work ethic, she is also a great friend. Angeline is easy to talk to and never panics when a sticky situation arises. She has established herself as a go-to person in and out of the office.

Rebecca Drake
Senior Office Specialist
Office of the Registrar
Rebecca is known for her knowledge, perseverance and kindness. Her way of making everyone feel welcome, and always taking the time to make sure everyone has what they need, helps create a high level of respect and professionalism anywhere that Rebecca goes.
Karen Feltz
Outreach Admissions Counselor
Phoenix Office of Admissions

Karen was nominated for the energy that she brings to the team. Karen has gone above and beyond by serving on several committees and initiating the 'Mindful Minute' that helps team members to take a mental wellness break and learn something new. She has been referred to as the "backbone" of the Phoenix Office of Admissions and is always finding new ways to meet the needs of her students, including spearheading the first Honors College Scholar Brunch in Phoenix.

Amy Jackson
Medical Administrative Assistant
Campus Health and Wellness
Amy is known by colleagues as "The Flash" due to her humor, unwavering enthusiasm, and hard work, which help make the office a great place to be. She is thoroughly enjoyed by coworkers, who have come to know her as an extremely valuable asset to the Campus Health service team. Jackson is a big supporter of all things UA - attending sporting events, volunteering for Commencement, and managing UA Cares for Campus Health, among other efforts.
John Miller-Wells
Manager of Assessment for Access and Information Services
University Libraries

John has been at the UA for 15 years and is often asked to serve as project manager for library wide strategic projects. He was nominated for his commitment to a high level of service for library users. Miller-Wells participates in campus events that serve students, faculty and the Tucson community, like the Arizona Hackathon, Finals Study Break events and the Tucson Festival of Books. He truly values diversity and the differences that each person brings to the work environment.

Jubia Melissa Silva
Student Services Coordinator
UA South
Melissa provides a one-stop shop for UA students in Douglas that includes community outreach, recruitment, admissions, orientation, financial aid and retention programming. She helped raise money for the Education Unidos scholarship fund, which helps support students of all ethnicities, economic backgrounds and immigration status.
Amber Tetreau Segura
Assistant Director of Admissions
Immigration and Student Services
Center for English as a Second Language

Amber helps students in complying with immigration laws and policies and does so with empathy and understanding. As a supervisor, Amber encourages her entire team to achieve the impossible in the workplace and beyond. She is always mindful of our workload, but doesn't shy away from pushing us to try new things, get involved with intercultural opportunities on campus, and volunteer for international education or University excellence in one way or another.

Mary Venezia
Director for Enrollment Initiatives and Special Events
Mary is responsible for the coordination of the UA Commencement ceremony and is known for her energy, leadership and networking abilities. It's not what she does, but how she does it. Mary has a great sense of humor, amazing organizational skills and a kind persona.
Jeffrey Welter
Associate Director for Professional Development for Undergraduate Programs
Eller College of Management

Jeffrey is a career coach who has worked for the UA for seven years. His primary job is academic advising but he has developed an outside network to help students with career advising and job placements. He is known to bring a passion and enthusiasm to his role at the University that has been transformative for the students and the Career Advisory Department.

Kiriaki Xiluri-Lauria
Senior Staff Technician
Department of Geosciences
Kiriaki's known for her passion and commitment to excellence she brings to the department. She created the Computational Geoscience Center with no funding by acquiring donated computers and turned it into a computing facility for student research and education. People from across the UA have called upon her for her expertise, and she is always willing to provide support.
The team award is presented to a team primarily comprised of Classified University Staff and tasked with a specific project or function
The Science City Executive Committee

The Science City Executive Committee is a group from across campus that leads and organizes a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) learning experience at the Tucson Festival of Books. Science City is an annual event that requires year-round planning and organization. Campus units and community groups provide approximately 1,200 volunteers to staff the booths during the event. "The team is dedicated to providing an excellent experience for attendees, and their commitment to the event has resulted in Science City becoming the largest STEAM event in Arizona," wrote Marcy Euler, executive director of the Tucson Festival of Books.

Amy Williams, communications specialist for the office of University Communications
Amy Williams, communications specialist for the office of University Communications, will receive the award for the key role she has played in helping spread the word about Classified Staff Council activities and events
The Eugene Sander Shared Governance Awards provides recognition to UA leaders who embrace and embody the ideals of shared governance and recognize the importance of appointed professionals and their contributions.

Gail Burd, senior vice provost for academic affairs,
Gail will receive the award for her work to ensure the success of the entire University. She has been involved in almost every shared governance group at the UA and was recognized for her respect toward all members of the community and ensuring that all voices are heard.