Congratulations Covid -19 Public Health Advisory Team for your UA Team Award for Excellence!

April 1, 2021
Zoom meeting with public health team

The UA Covid-19 Public Health Advisory Team was holding yet another early morning meeting via zoom when they were joined by the ERC surprise patrol to announce they had been chosen from the Best of the Best for a 2021 UA Team Award for Excellence.  They were honored and heard some of the wonderful things that their nominators had to say about them directly supporting the mission of the UA by facilitating the safe return of students, faculty and staff to campus during the pandemic.  Their decisions were truly collaborative as part of their shared commitment to successful reentry and covid-19 response.  Using their different expertise to respond to the needs of campus and using emerging science and differential risks in their recommendations to distill an informed policy in the UA response.  They have worked countless hours across campuses and Pima and Maricopa communities to ensure the safety and wellness of all our communities.  This team award was well deserved, congratulations! - See the Surprise Patrol announcement here: