Congratulations Josephine Corder, Our Latest 2021 UA Award for Excellence Winner

March 24, 2021
Zoom meeting for Josephine Corder's UA Award for Excellence

Josephine Corder, Director, Life and Work Connections in Human Resources thought she was having a meeting about professional development with her team but was surprised when she heard there were special guests with an important announcement, she was chosen from the Best of the Best for a 2021 UA Award for Excellence!  Some of the many wonderful comments made by her nominators were read including creating a unified and joyful team providing collaborative initiatives to support our employees.  Joe works hard to promote the universities vision of serving all university employees.  She was touched when the Big Check that comes as part of the award was displayed. Josephine was speechless and honored to have been chosen.  She feels it's a joy to serve the university with her wonderful team of employees and was humbled to even be nominated.  Congratulations Josephine! - See the video of her surprise visit announcement