Congratulations Maggie Murphy for Your UA Award for Excellence!

March 30, 2021
Zoom meeting for Maggie Murphy UA Award for Excellence

Maggie Murphy, Manager in Environmental Health and Safety, and her coworkers were on a zoom meeting when our ERC surprise patrol team joined to announce that she had been nominated by her coworkers and chosen from the Best of the Best for a 2021 UA Award for Excellence.  We read some of the wonderful things her nominators had to say including that Maggie was responsible for helping come up with part of the early return plan as well as working on coming up with the essential PPE respirators while dealing with many minority groups with compassion and respect.  Maggie was honored by being nominated and appreciative of he coworkers mentioning it was a team effort and they had made her announcement very special.  Congratulations Maggie! - See her surprise patrol announcement here: